Our Approach:
Performance sport demands
that you “give it your all”.
Our Curriculum: BE INQUISITIVE
This qualification advances your talent in the technical, physical, tactical and elite mind components of professional AFL. Practical elements of the course are coordinated with inspirational curriculum in elite mind preparation, sport science theory, sport technology , coaching and the business of professional AFL.
To maximise your learning outcomes, your Program is tailored to you and aligned to achieving your goals. For example, two ACS graduates are now contracted players for Melbourne and West Coast Football Clubs, with one of these graduates representing in the 2023 AFL semi-final.
Secondary Schools Programs (SA Schools Only)
SIS30521 Certificate III in Sport Coaching
This Program is specifically designed for delivery in Secondary Schools and is delivered during School hours. Additionally, an approved list of Elective Unit choices are made available to the School’s leadership to nominate preferred learning outcomes. The Program combines both theory and applied training across: Coaching Development, Athlete Considerations, Elite Mind and Sport Science. Students currently completing Year 10, 11 or Year 12 studies are encouraged to apply (Participating Schools Only).
A maximum of 75 SACE STAGE 2 credits are available for successful completion of this qualification and eligible to contribute to the calculation of an ATAR in the flexible option section up to the maximum allowed for recognised studies (20 credit ‘subject’ equivalent).
SATAC recognises this qualification as a subject (for SATAC purposes), calculated for a student’s ATAR contribution based on the average over the remaining 70 credits available for SACE Stage 2.
Required work placement is to be delivered at the participating School, where Working with Children (WWC) checks are in place, or by direct application.
*SIS30521 Certificate III in Sport Coaching is for participating schools only.
Please contact for advice on eligibility.
Unit of Competency
BSBOPS403 Apply business risk management processes
HLTAID011 Provide first aid
HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health and Safety
SISSSCO002 Work in a community coaching role
SISSSCO003 Meet participant coaching needs
SISSSCO005 Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
SISSSCO001 Conduct sport coaching sessions with foundation level participants
SISSSCO012 Coach sport participants up to an intermediate level
SISSSCO004 Plan, conduct and review coaching programs
SISSSCO016 Coach participants in sport competition
Program Duration: 30 weeks*
Program Location: At selected SA Secondary Schools*
Tuition Fee: $1,475 per participant*
Incidental & Ancilliary Training Fee(s): Nil*
*Subject to negotiated delivery at selected Schools.
Secondary Schools Programs (SA Schools Only)
CHC22015 – Certificate II in Community Services (Community Sport Program)
This qualification may be used as a pathway for workforce entry into community services roles centred around individualised programming, or the implementation of specific community- based programs (Community Sport). Participants will learn and apply fundamental skills in planning, communication, leadership, safety, wellness and inclusion, as well as supporting general work activities across a range of community services organisations that consider their contribution within diverse community groups, using community sport for context.
As an elective option, this pathway is also designed to progress participants in chosen sports where learning outcomes are combined for advancing player skills, knowledge and performance for promoting personal health and personal leadership(Community Role Model). Other elective options for this qualification offer a pathway to work in roles as a Community Sports Coach (Service Provider), either working or volunteering at community-based sport clubs, after-school sports programs and organisations in the Australian sport industry generally.
Required work placement is to be delivered at the participating School, where Working with Children (WWC) checks are in place, or by direct application.
*CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services (Community Sport Program) is for participating Schools, or by direct application.
Please contact for advice on eligibility.
Unit of Competency
CHCCOM001 Provide first point of contact
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities
FSKDIG03 Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks
BSBWOR201 Manage personal stress in the workplace
SISSPAR001 Participate in sport at an intermediate level*
SISSSCO003 Meet participant coaching needs*
SISSSCO004 Plan, conduct and review coaching programs*
Program Duration: 6 months*
Program Location: At selected SA Secondary Schools. This Program is a SA Government approved VSS Non-Training Contract Program. Please contact
Tuition Fee: This is a subsidised Course for eligible applicants. Full course fee and eligibility criteria for subsidies are provided via the Eligibility Criteria button below.
Upfront Course Fee(s): The subsidised Student Fee is $155.00 * (Eligibility criteria provided via the Eligibility Criteria button below.)
*Subject to elective choices at selected Schools.
This qualification is available to both Australian and international applicants.